Who’s Who at The City Club? Get To Know Gwenn.

Q&A with Gwenn Stroman, Associate Director of Membership:

  1. How did you get into the hospitality industry? My mother had a Restaurant Marketing & Design Company when I was growing up, it is in my DNA.
  2. Who is your favorite figure in the Diego Rivera mural, and why?  Califia – the central figure. Because she is large and in charge, and seems to rule all the men busily working around her, even while wearing a great gold necklace and not much else.
  3. What is your favorite SF restaurant or watering hole?  Bix – a great cocktail, a great meal – it never disappoints.
  4. Who would you be guests at your ‘dream’ dinner party?  Mick Jagger, Anthony Bourdain, Donna Karan, Stephen King, Barack Obama, Bruce Springsteen, Carly Simon, Carl Hiassen & Ina Garten. Table for 10!
  5. What do you like to read?  Books – mostly Mysteries (fiction), bit also True Crime, Historical Fiction, and the occasional Biography. Or books recommended by people I like – sometimes those are the very best! Magazines are Vanity Fair, Afar, and really any travel mag I can get my hands on.